What Is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a vitalistic philosophy, science, and art. It comes from the Greek words “Kheiro” and “praktikos” meaning “done by hand”. Founded by D.D. Palmer in 1895, Chiropractic was developed to be first a healing art-form that works with potential energy held in the body and facilitates an unwinding process of the nervous system so that the Innate wisdom within can flourish. Chiropractors acknowledge a Universal Intelligence that is always in all things and animates life. This intelligence works through our nervous system in the form of Innate Intelligence.
Your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves) is what perceives and receives ALL the information and experiences of life, internally and externally, processing and integrating it all so that you can continue to grow and thrive as the wonderful human BE-ing that you are. Occasionally, the body and nervous system can become overwhelmed with different types of stress, including physical (sitting at a desk all day, car wrecks, etc.), chemical (what you eat & drink, medications, etc.) and/or emotional/mental (negative thoughts, getting into a fight with your loved one, etc.) stressors. When the body’s ability to integrate or adapt to these stressors is exceeded, the system stores the stress as an adaptive strategy, thus altering function and structure. The central nervous system stores the majority of these stress experiences (physical, chemical & emotional/mental), in the form of what chiropractors call, Subluxation or, Subluxation Patterns. When this occurs, it can make the system more rigid, inflexible, and stressed and the less likely we are to respond dynamically to new experiences, and the ability to navigate efficiently throughout daily life is dependent upon the integrity and flexibility of your nervous system. These subluxations, or subluxation patterns, are addressed through the chiropractic adjustment.
Here at Bearpaw we use a multitude of different systems & approaches to meet your individual needs. The adjustments we deliver range from lighter touch applications to deep structural applications depending on what your body is expressing in that moment. Our goal is to reconnect you back to your innate intelligence allowing you the opportunity to rediscover what life feels like when your body is functioning at its highest capacity. The purpose of chiropractic is not to cure diseases, diagnose, "label", or "fix" people, but instead restore freedom to the nervous system, restore balance and harmony in life, and return to wholeness.
“Life is the expression of Tone. In that sentence is the basic principle of Chiropractic.”