Pregnancy & Pediatric Care

Prenatal Care

Your body is wonderfully and innately designed to be able to conceive, develop, and birth your child independently. Pregnancy/birth is a normal physiological process, not a pathological phenomena like our culture suggests. The role of Chiropractic care during this time is utilized to assist your central nervous system integrate the rapid changes happening within mind and body, keeping the channels open so that your brain can efficiently communicate with all of the different systems of your body. When your brain and body can freely exchange energy and information, connection, ease, and healing follows.

Contrary to popular belief, you are not destined to be in aches, pains, vomiting, sleepless, etc. throughout your pregnancy. Your pregnancy can be empowering. It can be healing. It can be different. Whether you are determined to have a VBAC or this is your first pregnancy, chiropractic can assist the body adapt to the natural internal changes that are happening.

Chiropractic care has been shown to help in all aspects of the pregnancy: from increasing the ability to conceive to a quicker, less painful delivery (research). After all, the birthing process is a product of your entire pregnancy period (and beyond).

Preserving health and further healing is vital during all phases of life but is amplified significantly when we are supporting the development of another being. Our hope is to provide you the support needed to harvest both your own health and the health of your baby.

Pediatric Care

Here at Bearpaw we offer intentional care to meet your infant, toddler, pre-teen or teenager exactly where they are at. We see your kids for who they are and who they can be, not the labels that have been placed on them. Regardless of what your child might be experiencing, we know that each child has a story to tell- and our calling is to listen to their body on a deeper level so that we can provide the care they truly need.

While the pregnancy/birthing process is nothing short of miraculous, often times trauma is associated that can cause newborns a significant amount of stress to their developing nervous system (research). We see babies experiencing many different signs of neurological stress, the more common including: toungue tie/lip tie/buccal ties, colic, nursing difficulties, ear infections, excessive arching/rigidity, sleeping troubles, asthma, constipation, behavioral inconsistencies, etc. If not released, this initial stress stays trapped and unintegrated- altering the way that their nervous system develops and further manifests itself in different, more severe ways as they age. Contrary to popular belief, children do not ‘grow out of’ conditions or symptoms, but grow into new ones that are more age specific.

Our children are innately designed to be adaptive, independent, and healthy. All of this naturally flows from a system that is free of stress. Our passion is firmly rooted in restoring the global integrity of our children’s nervous system, supporting their mental and physical growth, development, and overall well-being.